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Builders Risk Insurance with The Way Agency

In the dynamic world of construction and development, protecting your project from unforeseen events is not just prudent—it's critical. The Way Agency, positioned in the heart of Mount Washington, Kentucky, and serving a broad spectrum of clients across the region, recognizes the unique challenges faced by builders and developers. Our specialized builders risk insurance policies are designed to provide comprehensive protection for your construction projects, from groundbreaking to completion.

Comprehensive Coverage for Construction Projects

The Way Agency’s builders risk insurance policies are designed to cover a wide range of risks that construction projects might face, including:

  • Physical Loss or Damage: Protects the structure and materials on-site, in transit, or stored off-site against loss or damage from covered risks.
  • Soft Costs: Offers coverage for additional expenses resulting from delays, such as extended interest on loans, real estate taxes, and loss of rental income.
  • Fidelity Bonds: Protect your business from losses caused by fraudulent acts or theft by employees.
  • Equipment and Tools: Covers tools, machinery, and equipment used on the construction site, whether owned, leased, or rented.
  • Testing Coverage: Provides protection for losses incurred during the testing of electrical or mechanical installations.

The Way Agency Advantage

Opting for builders risk insurance through The Way Agency means choosing a partner who understands the intricacies of construction risk management. Our commitment to your project's success is reflected in:

  • Industry Expertise: Our agents are well-versed in the construction industry and the specific risks associated with construction projects, allowing us to offer knowledgeable advice and robust coverage solutions.
  • Customized Solutions: We believe in providing insurance solutions that are as unique as your project, ensuring that your coverage meets all your project’s specific needs.
  • Ongoing Support: Construction projects can evolve, and so can their risk profiles. We’re here to provide ongoing support and adjust your coverage as your project progresses, ensuring continuous protection until completion.

Build with Confidence

Your construction project represents a significant investment of time, resources, and vision. With The Way Agency’s builders risk insurance, you can proceed with confidence, knowing that your project is protected against the uncertainties of the construction process.

Contact us today to discuss how our tailored builders risk insurance solutions can lay the foundation for the successful completion of your construction project, safeguarding your investment every step of the way.